Vol Surface#

class quantflow.options.surface.VolSurface(ref_date: ~datetime.datetime, spot: ~quantflow.options.surface.SpotPrice[~quantflow.options.surface.S], maturities: tuple[~quantflow.options.surface.VolCrossSection[~quantflow.options.surface.S], ...], day_counter: ~ccy.core.daycounter.DayCounter = <ccy.core.daycounter.ActAct object>, tick_size_forwards: ~decimal.Decimal | None = None, tick_size_options: ~decimal.Decimal | None = None)#

Represents a volatility surface, which captures the implied volatility of an option for different strikes and maturities.

Key Concepts:

  • Implied Volatility: The market’s expectation of future volatility, derived

    from the price of an option using a pricing model (e.g., Black-Scholes).

  • Strike Price: The price at which the underlying asset can be bought

    (call option) or sold (put option) at the option’s expiry.

  • Time to Maturity: The time remaining until the option’s expiration date.

  • Volatility Smile/Skew: The often-observed phenomenon where implied

    volatility varies across different strike prices for the same maturity. Typically, it forms a “smile” or “skew” shape.

This class provides a structure for storing and manipulating volatility surface data. It can be used for various tasks, such as:

  • Option pricing and risk management: Using the surface to determine the

    appropriate volatility input for pricing models.

  • Volatility arbitrage: Identifying mispricings in options by comparing

    market prices to model prices derived from the surface.

  • Market analysis: Understanding market sentiment and expectations of

    future volatility.



Organize option prices in a numpy arrays for black volatility calculation


calculate Black-Scholes implied volatility for all options in the surface


calculate Black-Scholes prices for all options in the surface


List of selected option prices in the surface


Iterator over selected option prices in the surface


Time frame of Black-Scholes call input data


Plot the volatility surface


Plot the volatility surface


Iterator over all securities in the volatility surface


Return the term structure of the volatility surface



Day counter for time to maturity calculations - by default it uses Act/Act


Sorted tuple of VolCrossSection for different maturities


Reference date for the volatility surface


Spot price of the underlying asset


Tick size for rounding forward and spot prices - optional


Tick size for rounding option prices - optional

as_array(*, select: OptionSelection = OptionSelection.best, index: int | None = None, initial_vol: float = 0.5, converged: bool = True) OptionArrays#

Organize option prices in a numpy arrays for black volatility calculation

bs(*, select: OptionSelection = OptionSelection.best, index: int | None = None, initial_vol: float = 0.5) list[OptionPrice]#

calculate Black-Scholes implied volatility for all options in the surface

  • select – the OptionSelection method

  • index – Index of the cross section to use, if None use all

  • initial_vol – Initial volatility for the root finding algorithm

Some options may not converge, in this case the implied volatility is not calculated correctly and the option is marked as not converged.

calc_bs_prices(*, select: OptionSelection = OptionSelection.best, index: int | None = None) ndarray#

calculate Black-Scholes prices for all options in the surface

option_list(*, select: OptionSelection = OptionSelection.best, index: int | None = None, converged: bool = True) list[OptionPrice]#

List of selected option prices in the surface

option_prices(*, select: OptionSelection = OptionSelection.best, index: int | None = None, initial_vol: float = 0.5, converged: bool = True) Iterator[OptionPrice]#

Iterator over selected option prices in the surface

options_df(*, select: OptionSelection = OptionSelection.best, index: int | None = None, initial_vol: float = 0.5, converged: bool = True) DataFrame#

Time frame of Black-Scholes call input data

plot(*, index: int | None = None, select: OptionSelection = OptionSelection.best, **kwargs: Any) Any#

Plot the volatility surface

plot3d(*, select: OptionSelection = OptionSelection.best, **kwargs: Any) Any#

Plot the volatility surface

securities() Iterator[SpotPrice[S] | FwdPrice[S] | OptionPrices[S]]#

Iterator over all securities in the volatility surface

term_structure(frequency: float = 0) DataFrame#

Return the term structure of the volatility surface

day_counter: DayCounter = <ccy.core.daycounter.ActAct object>#

Day counter for time to maturity calculations - by default it uses Act/Act

maturities: tuple[VolCrossSection[S], ...]#

Sorted tuple of VolCrossSection for different maturities

ref_date: datetime#

Reference date for the volatility surface

spot: SpotPrice[S]#

Spot price of the underlying asset

tick_size_forwards: Decimal | None = None#

Tick size for rounding forward and spot prices - optional

tick_size_options: Decimal | None = None#

Tick size for rounding option prices - optional

class quantflow.options.surface.VolCrossSection(maturity: ~datetime.datetime, forward: ~quantflow.options.surface.FwdPrice[~quantflow.options.surface.S], strikes: tuple[~quantflow.options.surface.Strike[~quantflow.options.surface.S], ...], day_counter: ~ccy.core.daycounter.DayCounter = <ccy.core.daycounter.ActAct object>)#

Represents a cross section of a volatility surface at a specific maturity.



Return a dictionary with information about the cross section


Iterator over option prices in the cross section


Return a list of all securities in the cross section


Time to maturity in years



Day counter for time to maturity calculations - by default it uses Act/Act


Forward price of the underlying asset at the time of the cross section


Maturity date of the cross section


Tuple of sorted strikes and their corresponding option prices

info_dict(ref_date: datetime, spot: SpotPrice[S]) dict#

Return a dictionary with information about the cross section

option_prices(ref_date: datetime, *, select: OptionSelection = OptionSelection.best, initial_vol: float = 0.5, converged: bool = True) Iterator[OptionPrice]#

Iterator over option prices in the cross section

securities() Iterator[FwdPrice[S] | OptionPrices[S]]#

Return a list of all securities in the cross section

ttm(ref_date: datetime) float#

Time to maturity in years

day_counter: DayCounter = <ccy.core.daycounter.ActAct object>#

Day counter for time to maturity calculations - by default it uses Act/Act

forward: FwdPrice[S]#

Forward price of the underlying asset at the time of the cross section

maturity: datetime#

Maturity date of the cross section

strikes: tuple[Strike[S], ...]#

Tuple of sorted strikes and their corresponding option prices

class quantflow.options.surface.GenericVolSurfaceLoader(spot: ~quantflow.options.surface.SpotPrice[~quantflow.options.surface.S] | None = None, maturities: dict[~datetime.datetime, ~quantflow.options.surface.VolCrossSectionLoader[~quantflow.options.surface.S]] = <factory>, day_counter: ~ccy.core.daycounter.DayCounter = <ccy.core.daycounter.ActAct object>, tick_size_forwards: ~decimal.Decimal | None = None, tick_size_options: ~decimal.Decimal | None = None)#

Helper class to build a volatility surface from a list of securities



Add a forward to the volatility surface loader


Add an option to the volatility surface loader


Add a spot to the volatility surface loader


Build a volatility surface from the provided data



Day counter for time to maturity calculations - by default it uses Act/Act


Dictionary of maturities and their corresponding cross section loaders


Spot price of the underlying asset


Tick size for rounding forward and spot prices - optional


Tick size for rounding option prices - optional

add_forward(security: S, maturity: datetime, bid: Decimal = Decimal('0'), ask: Decimal = Decimal('0'), open_interest: int = 0, volume: int = 0) None#

Add a forward to the volatility surface loader

add_option(security: S, strike: Decimal, maturity: datetime, call: bool, bid: Decimal = Decimal('0'), ask: Decimal = Decimal('0'), open_interest: int = 0, volume: int = 0) None#

Add an option to the volatility surface loader

add_spot(security: S, bid: Decimal = Decimal('0'), ask: Decimal = Decimal('0'), open_interest: int = 0, volume: int = 0) None#

Add a spot to the volatility surface loader

surface(ref_date: datetime | None = None) VolSurface[S]#

Build a volatility surface from the provided data

day_counter: DayCounter = <ccy.core.daycounter.ActAct object>#

Day counter for time to maturity calculations - by default it uses Act/Act

maturities: dict[datetime, VolCrossSectionLoader[S]]#

Dictionary of maturities and their corresponding cross section loaders

spot: SpotPrice[S] | None = None#

Spot price of the underlying asset

tick_size_forwards: Decimal | None = None#

Tick size for rounding forward and spot prices - optional

tick_size_options: Decimal | None = None#

Tick size for rounding option prices - optional

class quantflow.options.surface.VolSurfaceLoader(spot: ~quantflow.options.surface.SpotPrice[~quantflow.options.surface.S] | None = None, maturities: dict[~datetime.datetime, ~quantflow.options.surface.VolCrossSectionLoader[~quantflow.options.surface.S]] = <factory>, day_counter: ~ccy.core.daycounter.DayCounter = <ccy.core.daycounter.ActAct object>, tick_size_forwards: ~decimal.Decimal | None = None, tick_size_options: ~decimal.Decimal | None = None)#



Add a volatility security input to the loader

add(input: VolSurfaceInput[Any]) None#

Add a volatility security input to the loader

Params input:

The input data for the security, it can be spot, forward or option

class quantflow.options.surface.OptionSelection(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)#

Option selection method

This enum is used to select which one between calls and puts are used for calculating implied volatility and other operations

best = 1#

Select the best bid/ask options.

These are the options which are Out of the Money, where their intrinsic value is zero

call = 2#

Select the call options only

put = 3#

Select the put options only