Weiner Process#
In this document, we use the term Weiner process \(w_t\) to indicate a Brownian motion with standard deviation given by the parameter \(\sigma\); that is to say, the one-dimensional Weiner process is defined as:
\(w_t\) is Lévy process
\(d w_t = w_{t+dt}-w_t \sim N\left(0, \sigma dt\right)\) where \(N\) is the normal distribution
The characteristic exponent of \(w\) is
\phi_{w, u} = \frac{\sigma^2 u^2}{2}
from quantflow.sp.weiner import WeinerProcess
pr = WeinerProcess(sigma=0.5)
from quantflow.utils import plot
# create the marginal at time in the future
m = pr.marginal(1)
plot.plot_characteristic(m, n=32)
from quantflow.utils import plot
import numpy as np
plot.plot_marginal_pdf(m, 128)
Test Option Pricing#
from quantflow.options.pricer import OptionPricer
from quantflow.sp.weiner import WeinerProcess
pricer = OptionPricer(WeinerProcess(sigma=0.2))
OptionPricer(model=WeinerProcess(sigma=0.2), n=128, max_moneyness_ttm=1.5)
import plotly.express as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from quantflow.options.bs import black_call
r = pricer.maturity(0.005)
b = r.black()
fig = px.line(x=r.moneyness_ttm, y=r.time_value, markers=True, title="Time value")
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=b.moneyness_ttm, y=b.time_value, name=b.name, line=dict()))
/home/runner/work/quantflow/quantflow/quantflow/options/bs.py:117: RuntimeWarning:
some derivatives were zero