
class quantflow.utils.marginal.Marginal1D#

Marginal distribution



Call option transform


Compute the cumulative distribution function


Jacobian of the cdf with respect to the parameters of the process.


Compute the characteristic function on support points n.


Compute the characteristic function with n discretization points and a max frequency


The space domain range for the random variable


The frequency domain range for the characteristic function


Expected value


Calculate mean as first derivative of characteristic function at 0


Option alpha


Compute the x axis.


Option time value


Option time value transform


Computes the probability density (or mass) function of the process.


Compute the probability density function from the characteristic function.


Jacobian of the pdf with respect to the parameters of the process.


Standard deviation at a time horizon


Calculate standard deviation as square root of variance


Compute the x axis.




Calculate variance as second derivative of characteristic function at 0



Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

call_option_transform(u: int | float | complex | ndarray | Series) int | float | complex | ndarray | Series#

Call option transform

cdf(x: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[floating[Any]]] | float) ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[floating[Any]]] | float#

Compute the cumulative distribution function


n – Location in the stochastic process domain space. If a numpy array, the output should have the same shape as the input.

cdf_jacobian(x: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[floating[Any]]] | float) ndarray#

Jacobian of the cdf with respect to the parameters of the process. It is useful for optimization purposes if necessary.

Optional to implement, otherwise raises NotImplementedError if called.

abstract characteristic(u: int | float | complex | ndarray | Series) int | float | complex | ndarray | Series#

Compute the characteristic function on support points n.

characteristic_df(n: int | None = None, *, max_frequency: float | None = None, simpson_rule: bool = False) DataFrame#

Compute the characteristic function with n discretization points and a max frequency

domain_range() Bounds#

The space domain range for the random variable

This should be overloaded if required

frequency_range(max_frequency: float | None = None) float#

The frequency domain range for the characteristic function

This should be overloaded if required

mean() ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[floating[Any]]] | float#

Expected value

This should be overloaded if a more efficient way of computing the mean

mean_from_characteristic(*, d: float = 0.001) ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[floating[Any]]] | float#

Calculate mean as first derivative of characteristic function at 0

option_alpha() float#

Option alpha

option_support(points: int = 101, max_moneyness: float = 1.0) ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[floating[Any]]]#

Compute the x axis.

option_time_value(n: int = 128, *, max_frequency: float | None = None, max_moneyness: float = 1, alpha: float = 1.1, simpson_rule: bool = False, use_fft: bool = False) TransformResult#

Option time value

option_time_value_transform(u: int | float | complex | ndarray | Series, alpha: float = 1.1) int | float | complex | ndarray | Series#

Option time value transform

This transform does not require any additional correction since the integrant is already bounded for positive and negative moneyess

pdf(x: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[floating[Any]]] | float) ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[floating[Any]]] | float#

Computes the probability density (or mass) function of the process.

It has a base implementation that computes the pdf from the cdf method, but a subclass should overload this method if a more optimized way of computing it is available.


n – Location in the stochastic process domain space. If a numpy array, the output should have the same shape as the input.

pdf_from_characteristic(n: int | None = None, *, max_frequency: float | None = None, simpson_rule: bool = False, use_fft: bool = False, frequency_n: int | None = None) TransformResult#

Compute the probability density function from the characteristic function.

  • n – Number of discretization points to use in the transform. If None, use 128.

  • max_frequency – The maximum frequency to use in the transform. If not provided, the value from the frequency_range() method is used. Only needed for special cases/testing.

  • simpson_rule – Use Simpson’s rule for integration. Default is False.

  • use_fft – Use FFT for the transform. Default is False.

pdf_jacobian(x: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[floating[Any]]] | float) ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[floating[Any]]] | float#

Jacobian of the pdf with respect to the parameters of the process. It has a base implementation that computes it from the cdf_jacobian method, but a subclass should overload this method if a more optimized way of computing it is available.

std() ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[floating[Any]]] | float#

Standard deviation at a time horizon

std_from_characteristic() ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[floating[Any]]] | float#

Calculate standard deviation as square root of variance

abstract support(points: int = 100, *, std_mult: float = 3) ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[floating[Any]]]#

Compute the x axis.

variance() ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[floating[Any]]] | float#


This should be overloaded if a more efficient way of computing the

variance_from_characteristic(*, d: float = 0.001) ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[floating[Any]]] | float#

Calculate variance as second derivative of characteristic function at 0

model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'extra': 'forbid'}#

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].